Monday, November 17, 2008

Today on Campus

Today I'm monitoring the Florida Pre-Paid College Tuition board meeting. Not a regular event to take place here. TCC is hosting an event with FPCT later today and I think that's why their board is here this morning. The discussion has been centered around the investments and forecast for the funds that drive the FPCT plans. My involvement has been to record the audio portion and be ready to play back a DVD when called for presentation. One of the things that come to mind when I work the events in the board room is how much this room needs to be re-built and re-formatted. It wasn't too long ago that this control room was configured. Unfortunately, it needs to be re-done again after a full needs assessment is done for the events that do and may take place in this space.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monticello Karting

There is a kart racing track in Monticello Florida. I have agreed to do some installation and editing work for the track owners. In exchange, I have gotten the unlimited use of a 125cc EasyKart. Here is a link to the track layout.

Actual open wheel racing - on a reduced scale.

Garage Update

This weekend I attempted to gain access to my garage. I was thwarted and rebuffed. I will make a new asault this coming weekend.

Monday, September 22, 2008

a pissy weekend

This weekend I was feeling sort of low. Probably because there are so many "projects" on my to-do list leaving very little time to work on the projects that renew my soul. Like working on the the car or building something. So...this week it is my goal to clear out the area around the car in the garage so that I can actually start working. There is so much junk around the car it is impossible to get the doors open. NOW is the time to start throwing away some stuff!

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Friend...

Today I found a blog space for my favorite college room mate - Ed. After reading his posts I am touched at how much he loves his family and keeps a positive outlook while having to help his son work through cancer treatments.

I am looking forward to reading more of his postings.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Garage Space

The car has been moved into the garage along with all the other detritus one collects over many years of collecting. Therefore, I have no room to work on the car at this time. This project has been temporarily put on hold. I am depressed.

Yesterday was my birthday. I WILL get the car back on the road before my next birthday - 363 days from today.