Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Too Much Stuff...

It has been a LOT harder to consolidate all my junk!  I have been holding on to too much stuff.

I recently read a blog post from a good friend who said that in order to make sure some of the big dream ideas come into reality she has to tell someone about that idea in order to feel the pressure of an imposed deadline ( Not a direct quotation and a bit of a paraphrasing)

Before I went to college XX years ago, I really didn't have that much junk to cart around.  I was still living at home and under my parents rules - which included not keeping too much stuff around my room.  If it didn't have a direct use or I had not used something for more than 6 months, out it went.

After I moved out following college I had a regression of sorts.  I found it extremely difficult to toss something if it looked like it might have some usefulness still left.  Jump forward a few years with no parental influence for getting rid of stuff, and now I am on my way to being a candidate for the "hoarders" programs on cable tv.  I don't want to be on that show.  SO... I must make a conscience decision to start tossing out junk or getting it listed on eBay so those precious items can become part of someone else's collection.

It has been sort of painful coming to grips with my collecting obsession.  It has also been financially draining. Before I got married I lived alone in a two bedroom townhouse.  The downstairs "public" area was neat, but the upstairs area and spare room were not. In fact I rented a storage space a few block from my townhouse to keep my stuff.  Americans like their stuff.  I think that's why there are so many storage places all over.  My rental grew to three units.  When I got married one of the concessions I had to make was that I would not fill up our home with junk.  On the surface I could agree with this concession. After all I really don't want to live in a pig pen and I don't want to subject my wife to that either. But that meant that all the things I had in the townhouse couldn't come live with us in out happy home.  I couldn't bring myself to throwing it all away so I expanded to another storage space to give my junk some place to live.

That all started five years ago.

Now, I want to get back into the business of having my own production company.  The times I spent running my own company were some of the happiest employment I have ever experienced.  I would like to bring some more of that job centered happiness back into my life.  Please don't read more into that statement than is there.  I am pleased with my 8-5 job.  The people are nice, the work is not difficult and the tasks are generally easy to accomplish and excel.  It's the night time job I have become bored with.  The climate and regulations have become almost too much for me to bear for even the little time I spend there.  There is no more esprit-de-corps any more.  All of the workers arrive like pre-programmed automatons and do their tasks when called upon.  The environment is oppressive and the work is tedious. I don't want to have that as part of my life any more.  I have a need to find something more spirit refreshing.  In my effort to develop something that will meet my developmental and "fun" requirements, I have stumbled upon an idea which blends some of my recreational activities with some of my professional talents.  The really great thing is that there is no one else in this area providing the service I am thinking about.  My only problem now is that I need some money to bring this idea to market.


I have a lot of stuff.
I need some money to purchase some different stuff for the expansion of my production company.
I NEED to reduce/eliminate the clutter in my life in order to be able to focus on experiencing life with my wife.
I will sell the junk which has any value.
I WILL develop the business idea into a viable service.
I will replace the nighttime job with something better for me.
I will dedicate time to making memories with my wife.

Wish me luck.


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