Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Msgr. William A Kerr

I attended Msgr. Kerr's funeral last week. The church was packed, standing room only. I imagine a few people were there because Roger Staubach gave the eulogy. What I saw on news that day only consisted of a fifteen second VO and a 15 sound bite from a football Hall of Fame member. What the local news didn't show was the wonderful story Roger told of a man who had a gift of making the person or people Monsignor was speaking to feel that they are the most important person at that moment. They didn't show Roger choking up over the thought of never having a post Thanksgiving meal discussion ever again. Hearing Mr. Staubach's eulogy made me realize why Msgr. Kerr kindly declined my family's invitation to Thanksgiving year after year. He was spending that time with his dear friends.

Msgr. Kerr practiced what he preached. He was an instrument of change. He was/is and example for the rest of us that an individual can and should try to make a difference. He was working to make our world a more peaceful place. I hope and pray that the progress for world wide peace he began will take root and flourish.

I will miss him greatly.

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